Thursday, 30 September 2010

[GUIDE] How To Get Hot, Tasty Burgers EVERY TIME at McDonalds!

The first guide! Here we go!

Let's say you're not in a rush - you want some hot, fresh, tasty burgers at your nearest McDonalds (or any fast food chain, for that matter), but all there seems to be are stacks of burgers that look like they've been there for hours. Hmm.

The solution is simple!

All you have to do is make a custom order! Say you want a quarter pounder - have it with extra sauce, no ketchup, extra lettuce, extra tomato - whatever you want! This goes for any burger that has a beef patty.

Let me explain.

Say you want a burger with no ketchup - all of the burgers that have been pre-cooked already have ketchup so they have to make you a brand new one! A hot, fresh, customised burger just for you! Easy!

Earlier I mentioned that this worked with any burger with a beef patty. The reason I don't say chicken is because chicken burgers are made slightly differently - instead of making many burgers at the same time and putting them on the heated rack, chicken-side pre-cook the actual chicken in huge quantities in the deep fat fryer and keep them in seperate heated trays, so when an order for a chicken burger is made, they just make the rest of the burger on-the-fly and stick in the pre-cooked piece of chicken, so custom orders won't help you here. 

Still, if you're in the mood for chicken, why not customize your burger anyway? :)

So! Any comments/questions, feel free to leave a comment! Hope you enjoyed the very first guide!

Until next time,


  1. I've done this a few times, always nice to get a fresh hot burger rather than some 6 hour warm piece of trash.
    This will be helpful to many i'm sure.

  2. I hate onions.
    So i always get a custom order. lol

  3. this is actually a good tip mate. thnx

  4. funny thing if you go to mcdonalds or whatever with 2 persons
    and one of them for example orders a hamburger without ketchup and the other one wants to have a bit of extra ketchup so you can put that "extra" ketchup on your customised burger

    but anyways... it works!

  5. Suddenly I'm hungry for McDonalds, darn it.

  6. they always manage to cook me a cold burger even though i order it plain.. how doyou even accomplish that! ><

  7. I'd rather eat sardines than go to McDonalds

  8. Haha nice. Nothing worse than a cold McDonald's burger thats been sitting around for hours =(

  9. This works with the fries too, so no salt and they give you brand new hot ones. Put the salt on after and you win.

  10. Mmmm nice guide, ima have to try this.

    Btw replied to your post thanks for the support! An nice to meet you :)

  11. Gonna have to try this next time I get some burgers

  12. I do this "trick" with KFC so that give me some fresh hot chicken :)

  13. This also works with there french fries, ask for unsalted ones next time you order, and taste the difference of hot fresh french fries!

  14. doesn't this piss off the staff and increase unwanted ingredients into my burgers.... im afraid of pissing the food industry people off.

  15. Not a big fan of fast food burgers, but I will let my friends know this information!

  16. There is not Mc Donalds in my town.
