Friday, 1 October 2010

[GUIDE] "Do You Think I Need To Go On A Diet?"

A tricky question. But luckily, one with a magical works-every-time answer.

You see, most of the time when someone asks you this, they aren't actually asking because they're considering it, they're asking because they've already decided to and want your opinion. The real question should be:

"I'm going on a diet. I want to know what you think of this."

The problem is, this puts you in a choke-hold. If you insist that they don't need to, it'll be futile and frustrating because they've already made a decision to and they're not going to change that - and if you agree that they do... well, you've basically just called them fat, which everybody knows is a very bad idea.

So, what is the perfect answer? The answer that has worked for me countless times and will probably work for you too:

"While I do not think you need to go on a diet, if you make the decision to, you have every right to do what you think is best for your body and I will support any decisions you make."

Because they'll either be expecting to be insulted or to be in a big long argument about whether they're fat or not, this'll come to quite a pleasant surprise, and they'll probably like you a bit more for it too.

One word of advice though - please be sincere about it. If you say you're going to support their decision - actually support it - you're not allowed to contest against it later because that invalidates everything you've just said - while this is most of the time a 'magic' answer, it isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card ;)

So! Second guide complete! I hope you found it enjoyable to read and useful for years to come - if you have any comments, questions or anything to add, feel free to leave something in the comments section below - also, if you haven't read the first guide yet, go do that too! :)

Until next time,
Paynesdown :3


  1. Good stuff! Nice to see another blog about my favorite subject ;) keep it up, looking forward to your next guide.

  2. Thanks for the reading, got some tips off this guide. :)

  3. nice idea, no feelings hurt.

  4. realy great guide yo hope to see more!

  5. :P nice, diets like the hardest thing to do for me...

  6. some great tips here.
    thx for sharing

  7. Diets are just a pain int he ass lol.

  8. nice answer, id just be like "yeah your fat diet"

  9. Im perenially "on a diet", but I just like eating too much, not really fat though, but I want to be faster for sports, tough to stick with it

  10. you have every right to do what you think is best for your body and I will support any decisions you make
    ¬well said mate, i wished more people had half the balls that you have

  11. diets are usually unhealthy, I wouldn't recommend it. you should however always watch what you eat

  12. I like what you have done here

  13. haha nice, I like that. I hope it works XD

  14. Haha, maybe I'll try this on my girlfriend when she next ask.

  15. A neutral answer is always the best one

  16. I'm an avid follower of the BMI chart. It makes deciding whether to go on a diet easy.

  17. My response would be: You're not fat... but if you want go ahead

    Seems fair

  18. quality blog. very pleased. following.

  19. awesome advice i shall use it one day

  20. I fully support your decision on a diet!!!! SUPPORT!!!!

  21. It seems that this answer would be best. Hope I can remember this when someone asks me if they should go on a diet :/

  22. I think being completely honest would be more important than hurting someone's feelings.

  23. I'm definetly not up for diet =D And thank god XD

  24. Lol I try but fail miserably :/

  25. Blogging has been my diet lately, lost a tonne of muscle mass, but going to the gym again soon.

  26. Great advice, I need to lose a lot of weight. Thanks! I am now following you, can't wait for more.

  27. its hard to keep light because you can buy so many calories for so cheep these days

  28. oh hello kind sir, have me met yet? =)

    smoochies n' poopies! :*

  29. Really good advices,mate.
    Good work.

  30. This advice will work on my wife for sure

  31. Good tips. People whoa sk questions like that and expect an answer like ''Oh your not fat!'' just for their ego sake pisses me off.

  32. Just etll the hoe she needs to drop some kg. Use your backhand if you encounter any complaints.

  33. So trueeeeeee. Its like this question always comes up to its insane.

  34. honesty is best, no need to be a dick about it. They might get a little upset but atleast they will know you aren't full of shit

  35. Hehehe nice guide but idk if your girl is asking you that I think she is just looking for a fight

  36. i hate wen they ask me about stuff and have their mind mate up grrr silly girls lol

  37. Seems a little wordy and dishonest for an answer to a question.

  38. I always need to go on a diet!
    Mesty =)

  39. I dunno, if I said that to someone, they would just think I'm weird. :D

  40. if you have a belly u must get a diet

  41. "Yeah fatass you also need some exercising". :3
